Monday, May 21, 2012

The Little Ovary That Could...

What a weekend.

Friday's scan showed that my follie grew! It was about 21 mm (CD 23) and I got another positive on my OPK that morning. So after running downtown for my scan...then to work...then home again... I talked to my nurse that afternoon and they wanted me to trigger that night.

Apparently there are only 2 pharmacies in Chicago that carry the trigger shot on their shelves. They are both downtown. So back into the city I went on Friday - during rush hour - on NA / TO weekend - with my Dad driving me. I was nervous about the road closures, protestors, etc. Nothing like starting out your weekend having your Dad drive you to pick up your fertility meds and having your Mom inject them in you, right?

So with my husband's crazy work schedule with all the protestors in the city things were a little stressful but we squeezed in an IUI Saturday morning. All went well.

About ten days ago I thought I was out for this cycle. That "little ovary that could" worked its magic and here I am starting my two week torture wait. Fingers crossed!


  1. It's the neverending rollercoaster, isn't it? That's great everything ended up working out this cycle - fingers crossed this is it!

  2. YAY!!! I'm so glad that your ovary pulled through like a rock star for you this cycle. Fingers crossed for you!

  3. What great news that you were actually able to pull this cycle out of the the dumps. Keeping fingers crossed and hoping for wonderful news!

  4. Happy ICLW! How exciting for you, keeping my fingers crossed that you will get a BFP!

  5. Hello from ICLW. Here's hoping for that BFP. Keeping you in my prayers that all goes well.

  6. Fingers crossed! (from ICLW)

  7. fingers, toes, eyes, hairs and everything else is crossed! Also hope these 2 weeks don't drag too long for you! As always, big hugs and thoughts to you Kate!

  8. Happy ICLW! Good luck with this cycle!

  9. Hi! Visiting from ICLW. It's great news about your little ovary...I hope this is your lucky cycle!

  10. Good luck during this TWW! Hope it works out for you!

    ICLW #26

  11. Yay! Go ovary! So annoying that a pharmacy closer to you doesn't carry the trigger shot. I'm laughing that your dad drove you and your mom injected you--once you get over the embarrassment aspect, it's pretty sweet!

    Good luck!

  12. Good luck. Wishing you a busy but relaxing 2ww. What a story for how this cycle went, it was a family affair!

  13. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy ICLW from #3

  14. You're at least halfway thru the 2ww now....hope the rest of it flies by!

    1. Its actually going by so fast. Super busy with work and the end of the school year stuff. No symptoms though, so I don't feel too confident (I usually have symptoms by now)...I guess we will see this weekend for sure.
